Profitability: Tensions in Marketing

Profitability is primarily about marketing. When there are difficulties these can often be traced back to a failure to properly understand the tensions in our minds as we seek profits. So that is where we must start. Once that is done we can turn to the specific marketing strategies and how they inter-relate within a single framework.

Businesses Interact for Benefit

Profitability in any business depends on its interactions with:

► customers via its products
► competitors
► markets.

ClosedMore on Markets

In pursuing these interactions, there are three sets of tensions whose effective handling determines profitability. The framework to be developed shows exactly how and where these tensions arise and how they must be handled.


Choices of the company in relation to marketing that are intrinsically under the control of the company versus those that demand adaptation by the company. In THEE:Closed the Oscillating Duality.

This tension is explained further here.


Choices of the company in relation to marketing that are product-centric (i.e. derived from the nature and features of the product) versus those choices that are market-centric (i.e. derived from the nature and features of markets, customers and competitors). In THEE:Closed the Dynamic Duality.

This tension is explained further here.


Companies need both markets and customers. So serving the interests of markets/customers must be important to them. At the same time customers (and markets) have little concern or ability to care for the success of any particular business (exceptional circumstances aside). So companies must look after themselves. In this lies the third tension:

Choices of the company serving the interests of the company versus choices of the company serving the interests of the market. In THEE:Closed the Internal Duality.

This tension is explained further here.

Construction of the Framework

Once these tensions have been clarified, the framework for marketing can be developed in the form of a THEE Tree. All Centres and Channels potentially affect the profitability of any business. So top management of any firm should be aware of all the possibilities.

Originally posted: July 2009